Lots Of Fun Daycare
A Loving Home Away From Home!
About Us
Don't you just hate it when you have to be away from your kids and you just don't know who to trust to take care of them? It is hard to be away from your kid and not know how your kid is being treated in your absence. You go on throughout your day but you can't concentrate thinking if your kid is getting what he /she needs. You don't want him/her to be neglected.
At lots of fun day care we know how this uncertainty feels. We are also parents and when our daughters were little we went through the same frustration. It was so hard to find a daycare that I could trust. And that is when I found my mission in life, " Give parents the peace of mind while they are away from their kids by providing their kids with a warm and loving home while they are away from home." Thats when Lots Of Fun Daycare was born for your kids to have fun while we take care of your child needs and safety with love.
Tomorrow STARTS Now
"Time Spent Playing With Children Is NEVER Wasted"
-Dawn Lantero
We provide kids with:
Free nutritious meals.
Safe play and transportation to local schools.
Fun activities where they learn.
Safe and clean environment.
Outside play.
Reading programs.
Water activities.
Curriculum structured to the child's age.
Movie and popcorn afternoon.
Help with Homework.
And most important of alll a loving family environment !!
WE ARE NOW ENROLLING. Limited spaces available.